Wednesday, 21 October 2009

A day in the life of a Classroom Consultant

Just what does a Consultant at Classroom do I hear you ask?! Whenever you call - we always claim to be busy - but busy doing what? Take a look at a typical day in our lives at the Regent Street offices:

6.45am - For those of us on the early shift we must drag ourselves out of bed at a time when most people are still dreaming sweet dreams! Arriving at work in the dark and wiping the sleep out of our eyes we check the answerphone for messages. Most days there will be messages - more often than not from our poorly teachers or support staff who (bless them) have called at 3am to say they won't be going in to school today.

7am - The onslaught begins. Our available teachers begin calling in their masses (at our request of course!) to remind us that they are still available for work. At the same time, the schools begin to call. Most of them are stressed out about the fact they need a supply teacher and they need them quick smart! Our job is to fulfill their requests in the quickest time possible. We must match their requests to the right teacher with the right skills who is living in the location most accessible to the school which might mean we can't always offer the work to the teacher who might need it the most if they are not living in the most suitable location. Sometimes the school ask for a particular person and so the race begins to try and track down that teacher and find out if they are actually still available. Amongst all the mayhem - we have to input all the bookings on to our computerised system, organise journey plans and act as guide when our teachers get lost en route. Its a two hour period during which time we have no idea if we will be busy or not - and if its manic - we thrive on the stress!

9am - Breakfast run. After 2hrs at our desks the stomachs need sustenance - we just have to hope that when we are out ordering tea and hot toast that we don't receive any late late bookings from schools..... it happens!

10am - 3pm The late shift arrives for work. The teams meet for a debrief of the mornings events and to discuss the days timetable. No day is ever the same for a consultant at Classroom! Perhaps we will have a string of interviews with new teachers and support staff. We might possibly have arrivals from one of our overseas offices which means we might have some very nervous and exhausted people who need our help, guidance and reassurance. Our job is to support, induct and prepare these brave individuals for the British education system and its so rewarding when things work out well for them! We might find ourselves anywhere in London visiting one of our schools. We visit all schools that we send our staff to. Its important for us to check out the environment into which we will be sending our staff and to meet the education professionals whom they will be working alongside. No one visit is ever the same. Last week for example, I visited a wonderful Primary school and met the most extraordinary Year 6 boy who gave me a tour of the building. He felt it was important for me to see where "gold class line up and indigo class line up and where magenta class line up - because the supply teacher ALWAYS gets it wrong"!! Come 3pm - the early shift at Classroom are meant to go home - but it doesn't always work out that way - bookings are coming in for the following day and teachers need to be spoken to, debriefing with them on how their day has gone and ironing out any possible issues that have arisen.

3pm - 6pm - The late shift. If we are not busy organising teachers for schools the following day, then perhaps we are busy working on longer term positions which might have come in. We search the computer systems to match the right candidates with the skill set required by the school. Perhaps we have to work with the candidate on updating their CV to ensure they are promoting themselves as the best person for the job. We might need to advertise for the job (cue online ad design) or we might need to organise interviews for candidates. If we aren't working on a particular vacancy then perhaps we are engrossed in a big marketing campaign to attract new schools for our teachers or to attract new candidates to Classroom. Amongst all this - we must call around all of our teachers and support staff to confirm their availability for work the following day and/or week. That's a lot of telephone calling, and that is without any major drama's occurring for our teachers who will need our comfort, support and most importantly, our time.

6pm - If we are lucky we can leave on time! If its been a stressful day then we might have a glass of wine en route to our homes and if its been a successful day (we celebrate just like you do if you've secured a longed for job!) we might just do the same, just like the rest of you I am sure! Our days are varied and we love what we do. We all feel a sense of triumph when we see how well our teachers and support staff are doing and a day doesn't pass without the sound of laughter filling Classroom's offices!

Still don't understand what we do or what you need to do to make sure you are making the most of your agency? Don't hesitate to give us a call for a chat!

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