I have uploaded this video from Teachers TV for all those supply teachers who are currently beginning their supply teaching career in Primary schools. This video may be covering old ground for a lot of Primary teachers but I know that there are plenty of you who are newly arrived and only just setting out on your supply teaching adventure who should find this very interesting. I am also very aware that with the current slow patch in Secondary - Classroom and surely other agencies too will be supplementing Secondary school supply work with days in Primary schools. If you want to be successful in a Primary school then you will have to adopt a different approach to the one you might take in a Secondary school. Flexibility is always the key to successful supply teaching in the UK and preparation and research will only reinforce your flexibility!
Why not watch this video where you will be given plenty of hints and tips to be an effective Primary supply teacher and while your at it why not check out Teachers TV and its wealth of resources to help you be the best. I have mentioned it before but it really is a great site for teachers from every arena!
What do you think of the video? Are the presenters tips useful? Anything you would add?
Yes! Great video. Great thinking.