Wednesday, 22 September 2010

TV Alert: BBC Schools Season

Here at Classroom we are all avid tv viewers like many and we wanted to highlight a string of programmes broadcasting amongst all the reality TV and Soaps which might be of interest to our fellow education professionals!

The BBC Schools season is currently underway. Some of you may have caught last nights drama "Excluded" about a newly qualified teacher and his relationship with a difficult student in a struggling school! It received rave reviews (check out the schools season link for info on its repeat schedule or watch it anytime on the BBC I Player). There looks to be some really interesting programmes coming up too.

One highlight looks to be "The Classroom Experiment" which sees education professional Dylan Wiliam take on a typical Year 8 Secondary school class and pit education theory and practice against each other as he attempts to use simple ideas to improve the quality of education and the results are meant to be pretty outstanding. It's a two part programme starting next Monday (see link for full schedule) and we'll be reviewing the programme when its finished and will be welcoming opinion!

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